Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Strong is the new beautiful...

     The media has a tremendous influence on the women in our society. Traditionally, it has pressured women into turning thier bodies into thin and petite figures. Women are encouraged to be skinny, no matter what it takes. Some women resort to anorexia, belemia or even cigarettes to keep their appetite down. Others resort to long dreadful hours of cardio, which end up deteriorating muscles. The media depicts these women as flawless individuals. They show them in commercials, movies, runways, and magazines as the perfect women. As time progressed, women began getting involved in athletics. 
     Today, fitness and a healthy lifestyle are highly recommended by the media and society. Well known companies such as Under Armor, Nike and Reebok advertise fit women. For example, Nike's new promotional logo states, "strong is the new beautiful." This statement rejects previous beliefs that being thin is beautiful. Nike even developed specific advertisements that encourage women to be athletic and strong. It encourages them to embrace their bodies and be confident in themselves. 

      I believe that this has a significant impact on the women in our society. It also has a high impact on the number of participants in Crossfit. Individuals who participat in Crossfit usually develop muscular and toned bodies. Because fitness and athleticism are being encouraged, women are able to unlock the potential behind their bodies. Women are also able to see how strong they are capable of being. Previously many people assumed women were signicifantly weaker than men. Because of all the new media about fitness, woman are able to fully commit to Crossfit and embrace the lifestyle that comes with it. While I was working out at the crossfit gym this past summer, I got to witness the motivation and dedication that women had. They were motivated to develop their bodies and build muscle. A lot of women used to fear becoming bulky or too muscular. Now that there are beautiful women advertising their muscles, more women are comfortable with becoming strong. They look forward to sculpting their bodies and living a healthy lifestyle.

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